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Ultimate 5 movies filmed in Scotland

 There’s something unique about the Scots, a certain indefinable quality that sets them apart. And this probably has much to do with their homeland of

10 Tantallon Castle Facts

Castles in Scotland Castles have been around for a long time – from about 1066 onwards, in the United Kingdom, and a couple of hundred

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Klondyke Coillery

Newcraighall coillery The colloquial name of the Newcraighall coillery was the Klondyke pit. The word Klondyke has two meanings: old fashioned, or bountiful. The latter

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Ultimate 5 movies filmed in Scotland

 There’s something unique about the Scots, a certain indefinable quality that sets them apart. And this probably has much to do with their homeland of

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10 Tantallon Castle Facts

Castles in Scotland Castles have been around for a long time – from about 1066 onwards, in the United Kingdom, and a couple of hundred

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5 tips to climbing Arthurs Seat

Climbing Arthur’s seat is a fun and great way to see Edinburgh. It provides views and vistas of an ancient city that is still thriving.

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